Goodness...its 26th September, 2009 already!!

It has been awhile since I blog. Well..a lot of things happened within the month of July 09-Sept' 09. As been told, my church TCC has finally moved to its own premise. We are now in our new place. Currently, everything is acoustic. Hopefully, by Nov', we'll get our new drums. I can't wait to have full band again. As much as I value simple settings, I still do enjoy the complexities of jamming with the full band. Its hard work actually, but when the result is good, I can't help but feel satisfied.

Other than the relocation of TCC, I went for my 2nd dose of Cleansing Streams. This year, the retreat was held at Goshen. The place is beautiful..minus the big ants and mozzies of course. At the retreat, I had some insights on what God is doing in the lives of the people and the church as a whole. I was encouraged that though TCC is small in numbers and somewhat lacking in many ways, God looks at us as 'roaches'. Yes, roaches. They are small but they are able to reach every nook and crannies of a home. They may not be the sophisticated among other creatures, but nevertheless, they are influential and their presence are always felt.Such impact!

Then there's the trial that I just had early September. I was facing a goliath. Far seasoned in comparison to myself. Surprisingly, I fared well in the fight. Its not over yet. But I trust God to lead me. Justice and righteousness is in His Hands. He knows who is right and who is wrong. I let go and let God.

Next week, TCC will have an opening ceremony. we'll be inviting our community to the event. Right now, I'm scrambling my head on what songs to perform. Hmm...the songs that came to mind was We are Broken by Paramore, Fix You (Coldplay), Everything (Life house) ...I need to choose positive songs. I think I'll go for Paramore and Def Lepard's two steps slow & one livelier number. I'll share on what happen to our performance.

Till then, good nite & pleasant dreams!


Jarod Yong said…
Too bad I wont be here to join in!

All the best!

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