Return of the prodigal son...welcome back!!
Yesterday, I received a SMS from an old friend. It writes:
Hi, JZ. This is *XXX. ... I want to apologize for hurting you in the past. Can we meet at 3p.m. and it would mean a lot to me..
The SMS almost got me into tears. Cause this was an old friend who was very close and dear to me. We have experienced hard and good times together as friends. Actually, he's more like family to me. But somehow, when XXX went overseas, he changed for the worst. He strayed from God and church. Then the unfortunate fallout happened. Despite the hurt that he had caused me, it never crossed my mind that I should end the friendship. No matter how hard I tried to act normal when he happen to be around, in the sense of pretending that the incident never happened, he still distanced himself away from me. His cold attitude towards me just confirms that he doesn't want to be my friend anymore.
I remembered telling God to restore XXX to the fellowship. Call upon this child of Yours to return. I don't care about what he did to me. I just cared that he return to the arms of our Good Father. That's why I almost cried while reading the SMS. God has answered my prayers. The prodigal son is returning. And he has made the decision to come to church and make his life right before God. Now this is one of the best news that I have received in weeks.
As I write this, my heart is singing, "Hear the sound of hearts returning to You, we turn to You" (Hosanna by Paul Baloche).
I welcome you my long lost brother. I rejoice as the Father puts a ring and a wonderful robe on you.
Hi, JZ. This is *XXX. ... I want to apologize for hurting you in the past. Can we meet at 3p.m. and it would mean a lot to me..
The SMS almost got me into tears. Cause this was an old friend who was very close and dear to me. We have experienced hard and good times together as friends. Actually, he's more like family to me. But somehow, when XXX went overseas, he changed for the worst. He strayed from God and church. Then the unfortunate fallout happened. Despite the hurt that he had caused me, it never crossed my mind that I should end the friendship. No matter how hard I tried to act normal when he happen to be around, in the sense of pretending that the incident never happened, he still distanced himself away from me. His cold attitude towards me just confirms that he doesn't want to be my friend anymore.
I remembered telling God to restore XXX to the fellowship. Call upon this child of Yours to return. I don't care about what he did to me. I just cared that he return to the arms of our Good Father. That's why I almost cried while reading the SMS. God has answered my prayers. The prodigal son is returning. And he has made the decision to come to church and make his life right before God. Now this is one of the best news that I have received in weeks.
As I write this, my heart is singing, "Hear the sound of hearts returning to You, we turn to You" (Hosanna by Paul Baloche).
I welcome you my long lost brother. I rejoice as the Father puts a ring and a wonderful robe on you.
I praise God for his return!