My Good Friday

I love Good Friday and Easter. To me, these 2 occasions are way better than Christmas. Last Friday's service was a blast! We had an invited guest, P. Kulbal Singh. The church was really blessed through his ministry. This man of God moves in the gift of healing and miracle. My friends, Sylvia and Eddy got healed on that day. Sylvia had problems with one of her tendon. Whereas Eddy suffered from stomach complications. Their healing really brought encouragement to my life. And I believe the rest were also fired up.

As much as I am excited, I am remembered that Good Friday is about Jesus' death on the cross. How He sacrificed His life for you and me. I am always reminded of my former senior pastor's Good Friday sermon. The question that he posed to the congregation was 'How many times did we put Jesus on the Cross?' What he was getting at was that everytime we compromise and fall into sin, again and again, it is like putting Jesus on the Cross again and again. It is like hammering the thick and longs nails into his hands and feet. Of course what he meant wasn't literal. Its more to hurting Jesus' heart or feelings.

During Good Friday, lets evaluate how we live our lives. Are we still putting our left leg on the world and right leg in the light? If this is so, then I'm sorry to say that if we're neither hot or cold, God would spit us out as per His Word in the book of revelation. My encouragement to all is this: God is so wonderful, so amazing that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. What Jesus had done on the Cross, is an act of love. If we love Jesus, let us follow Him and carry our cross. Its never easy being a Christian. It wasn't easy for Jesus either. But you know what, I find that in all my life as a born again Christian, following Jesus is worth it.


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