Mid month anthem song

Mid month. Its the month where we either make it or break it. Why? Cause this is the time of the month where our pockets tend to go dry or should I say, indefinitely would go empty. Its the time of the month where bills are becoming due. Thinking of it just raises my heart beat.

Just yesterday, as noon comes, the thought of whether I could go through this month becomes an anthem so strong. Too strong that my soul faints. So I took a breather from work. Read a portion of the Scripture while telling God, "Let me see the wonder of Your Words."

Without a doubt, I was encouraged after reading God's Word. I am reminded that we are worth more than sparrows. If God in His infinite Greatness is able to care for the birds and the flowers in the field, what more we His creation whom He has created after His very own image. Nothing happened immediately of course..But I rested in God's promises.

As I write this, I thank God that He has provided for me.An answered prayer really. Around evening the monies came in. Halleluyah! My bills were taken cared of. And the best part, God has blessed me with the extra. Now I can get that black skinny jeans and fuchsia blouse that I have been desiring for since Sunday. Yeah!!! Hehehe...Those who draw near to Him, He will grant them their hearts desire.

Hmm....What about the trip to KK Lord??


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