Science and Maths in favour or not?
Yesterday, there was a protest against the usage of English in teaching Science and Maths. When I look at the pictures, the crowd looks rather rowdy and if I so happen to be around the area, I would definitely be afraid of my safety.
Now, is this protest by way of public demonstration necessary? Since a memo has been circulated and signed by the 'public', then just hand over the memo to the PM. After all, that's what a memo/petition is for.
As for the use of the English language, I don't see why we should make a great fuss about it. I believe our government is being practical. I also believe that by implementing the use of English they are concern with our future because they want us to achieve not only in home ground but overseas as well.
Once again, I see the people intimidated by things which t should not and ought not to be a big issue. Think about ISA law, freedom of speech and religion, race discrimination..these are the big issues which we should make a great deal about.
If only the people would open their eyes and see this view of mine. Lets say I found a cure for AIDs. But my research are all in Iban and I don't speak English. How can I share this good news to the whole world? That is why we need to learn English because it is an international language which connects people. For the sake of practicalilty people...
Oh ya..with pride I shall say that I can read, write and converse in English and BM. I speak my own local dialect too. So far, most of my Malay, Chinese, Indian and native friends do too. If we can do it (most of us are Sarawakians) then why can't the Peninsulars do too? And yes, I am proud of my national language. And I'm proud to be a Malaysian because 'Malaysia boleh.' Let's face every challenge hurled towards us with gusto!
I think the government is doing this so we can stay up to date with the latest in research. Since most of it is in the International Language, English.
However, I do see the irrelevance of applying PPSMI in rural schools.
Teaching in one myself, I find that the students here face a lot of difficulty in understanding and especially in using the language.
They have little exposure compared to the children in cities.
They also have very little support since their parents neither understand the language nor have the money to pay for tuition.
Until our children in the rural areas have the adequate proficiency, I think the government should continue to give students the option of choosing between BI & BM for their tests.