Time to start again...

The month of December is really a month of eating big time. It all started with the 10 course dinner at MyRestaurant. Then, there's more eating..at aunt's anniversary at Lok Thian. Next, it was the Christmas Eve dinner with family at home..followed by supper with my extended family from TCC.

Like that's not enough, on Christmas Day I had my brunch at my aunt Jenny's open house. Then went off for Sri Aman after that. Upon my arrival, I eat again...at my Uncle Stevy's house. I mean..can't resist his pansoh babi. Which I kept on eating for dinner & lunch the next day. Huh... Oh yeah..29th December was my cousin Roy's wedding. & that means more eating of course.

So what made me start this path towards eating healthy? Well, I wanted to put on my dinner dress. Unfortunately, I couldn't zip it all the way. I ended up wearing something casual for my cousin's brother..yup, it hurts. Really does hurts cause I love my dinner dressess.

& there's also the inner voice that tells me to take care of my body. Its God's temple. & really..fasting has been a difficult practise for me recently. Good health would definitely help me serve God effectively.

OK..The time starts today. So friends & family, if I don't make any progress, rebuke me...in love k.


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