Doing the Esther!

When we are in a position of influence whereby we can make a difference, what are we to do? Especially if the non-action would cause a great injustice. Should we exercise the influence and pursue the call of justice? Such situation reminds me of Esther. She was blessed to become the queen, the wife of King Xerxes. During that time, her people, the Jews, were under threat of annihilation. What she did was she set up a meeting with the King(despite such rule that she is not allowed to do so) and sought the King's favor to protect her people. It was really a risk because though being queen, she is still subject to the King's rule and punishment for breaking it may be fatal! Look at the former queen Hadassah Vashti! She was dethroned! Well thank God she decided to speak up and a generation of Jews was preserved and is still alive and living till this day. Would she be spared if she were to keep silent? And would it be the end of her people? Esther 4:14 "For i...