My givings came back...with a little bit of interest!

Due to the recent economy downturn, my business has not been doing so well. I've been suffering for years now and I'm hoping that things would take a turn soon. Hopefully! When Sunday comes, I always think to myself: How to give in such a time like this? I'm in business, so I don't have the luxury of a fixed income. If I give, what's going to happen to me. However, I am convicted that no matter what is the economy, I am to give my tithes and offering. No compromise! Its not that God needs it. Its what God's Word has stated and I am to obey. Give I shall, despite how painful it is. Giving is an act of worship. Giving does require sacrifice! Well, what do you know! The next day, the very amount I gave in my offering, and the amount that I gave to bless others, came back to me! And the amount which I got back was a little bit more than what I have given. This is not the first time, by the way. I have been experiencing this for weeks after weeks now. I...